2020 Virtual Race Calendar | Peach City Runners

2020 Virtual Race Calendar

Check out these cool virtual road race options that race organizers everywhere have been working diligently on to salvage some of the 2020 training/race season.

2020 Virtual Race Calendar


In the words of the organizers of The Flying Pig Marathon, here’s a terrific overview of their particular brand of a virtual race. They may even inspire your own ideas going forward!

What is a virtual event?

A virtual event allows participants to complete the race on their own. You will run or walk the race distance at your own pace and at a time and location of your choosing. You choose your own race day and your own starting line, whether it’s a treadmill, a park or your neighborhood street. This option will allow those invested so heavily in their training to keep going and be rewarded for their efforts with the shirt and medal from their respective race(s). For more FAQs visit: http://flyingpigmarathon.com/flying-pig-marathon-virtual-race-faqs/

Enjoy the rest of your summer training. Stay safe & healthy.

Article by Paige Triola for Runner’s World