Sports strains, sprains and injuries are inevitable! | Peach City Runners

Sports strains, sprains and injuries are inevitable!

When you’re active in sports strains, sprains and injuries are inevitable, a by-product in fact!

Have you ever just started out on a run and two minutes in you’re stopped in your tracks by a searing pain ripping across your lower back? Well trust me, it can happen in the blink of an eye! It just happened to me and sent me directly into the capable hands of my physiotherapist.

When injured, the key is to act quickly to minimize downtime. With physiotherapy there are a number of complementary therapy techniques from manual therapy and acupuncture, to ultrasound and electrical nerve stimulation (to name just a few), which will help to treat inflammation, provide deep-tissue therapy and accelerate pain relief to help you get back in the game quickly.

Physiotherapists are highly qualified, experienced clinicians who are interested in getting a hands-on look at what is going on with you. They will be thorough and examine areas surrounding your injury, as well as look at influencing factors that might be prolonging your issue.

Next time you find yourself on the sidelines with an injury, contact a physiotherapist in your area as soon as possible. This non-invasive, sterile, drug-free therapy will have you back on track in no time!