Decade-by-Decade Training Guide

“When scientists studied track athletes aged 50 to 85, they found only a small decline in performance—less than 2 percent—between the ages of 50 and 75.”

So encouraging to discover that it’s the new norm to continue training and racing into our 5th, 6th, 7th and even 8th decades!


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Here’s How Long You Actually Need to Hold a Plank

One of the best ways to strengthen your core is by performing plank exercises. Planks are quick and effective and can easily be added to any workout to help meet your goals to become a stronger runner.

“Planks are a core-stabilizing exercise, McGill adds, which helps you become more efficient

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Penticton, BC
V2A 5B2

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Peach City Runners
Ph: 250-490-3334