What Runners Should Know About How Coronavirus May Affect Their Lungs | Peach City Runners

What Runners Should Know About How Coronavirus May Affect Their Lungs

Here’s what physician-athletes taking care of critically ill COVID-19 patients want runners to know about possible long-term effects.

“Runner’s World spoke to four doctors, all athletes, who worked grueling hours in intensive care units in Boston, Seattle, and Columbus, Ohio. They emphasize that the coronavirus doesn’t spare runners. Fitness offers no immunity. Your enviable resting heart rate won’t necessarily stop you from getting sick in the first place—or from getting a severe case.”

Canada and the US are obviously in very different positions when it comes to COVID-19, but it ‘s still important to follow the health guidelines of our experts, maintain social distancing, wear a mask if you can’t maintain social distancing, and continue to be diligent about helping to limit the spread of the virus.

Knowledge is power as they say, and the situation is still developing. Read on for up-to-date information about how Coronavirus can affect runners.
