Time to take a new pair of runners out for a test run? | Peach City Runners

Time to take a new pair of runners out for a test run?

At this time of the training/race season you generally have miles of memorable runs on your shoes and the wear and tear forces you to think about replacing them. When exactly to do that is the question!

There are actually varying opinions about the life of a running shoe and how often they should be replaced. Read these tips by Ann Oldenburg from Livestrong.com:

From a mileage perspective, “The general rule of thumb is that you should replace running shoes somewhere between 350 and 550 miles, depending on your body weight, the surface on which you usually run and your running style. Lighter runners might be able to wait until close to the 550 mark to shop for on a new pair, while heavier runners might wear down cushioning, tread and support material faster.”

From a time frame perspective, “The general consensus is that you shouldn’t wear a pair of running shoes any longer than six months if you run four days a week. If you run anywhere from three to five miles a day, four days a week, you’ll be putting in approximately 300 to 500 miles every six months.”

If it’s time to sink your feet into a new pair of high performance shoes drop by Peach City Runners for a fitting and to find out about new arrivals, what brands and styles are popular, and for advice about the perfect shoe for you.

Questions? Call 250-490-3334